Sandusky, Ohio has a vibrant, as well as historic, downtown district with restaurants, shopping, museums, and fun activities along the Lake Erie shore. The best way to get acquainted with the town is a Sandusky Segwave mobile tour. Hop aboard a Segway electric scooter and zip along with your tour guide to learn about Sandusky’s two centuries of history, what attractions are available, plus the best places to eat and drink.

*Disclaimer: My tour and interview were provided by Sandusky Segwave and Lake Erie Shores & Islands visitor bureau. Honest opinions, as always, are all my own.
Sandusky Segwave Tours
One and two hour tours of downtown Sandusky are offered, as well as new Cedar Point boardwalk excursions. Jim Ervin, co-owner and head tour guide, is full of enthusiasm and local knowledge. If Sandusky had an official ambassador, it would be this guy. On each tour, guests will follow their guide along the sidewalks and paths around Sandusky and learn about the history of the town along with fun attractions and the best places to eat. Each rider gets a wireless headset, so it is easy to hear the guide and focus more on what is around.

Before each tour, guests will get a helmet and a instructions on riding a Segway. Don’t worry, there will be time to practice and get comfortable with the machine before heading off on the tour. Segwave’s office is located in the heart of downtown Sandusky, so the tour is interesting right from the get go. Guests will see the town hall with its boy with the boot fountain, the Merry-Go-Round Museum, and the harbor front among other things. When it’s over, you’ll have several ideas to gt your vacation time started.

Why Use Segways for the Tour?
Sandusky Segwave is an unique alternative to the typical walking tours. This mode of transportation allows the group to quickly zip between locations, so guests can see and learn much more about the area. It is quicker than walking and easier to navigate than, say, a shuttle bus.
Is learning to ride a Segway difficult? It may be different than anything you’ve done before, but it is actually pretty easy. I was nervous the first time and was surprised at how quickly I got used to moving about. The biggest hurdle in in your head, since the Segway is controlled by your movements and not hand controls. Jim is a very thorough instructor and makes sure everyone in the group is comfortable before heading out for the tour.

Riders need to be at least fourteen years of age and between 100 and 260 pounds. Riders need to be mobile enough to walk up stairs unassisted. Those with muscle issues, such as back pain, may have difficulty riding a Segway since it is controlled mainly be swaying or leaning into the direction of intended travel.
For more information on tours, location, and pricing visit the Sandusky Segwave website and here is a link to their waiver form for details on responsibilities and restrictions. Here are some tips to plan a family trip or an adults only getaway to Sandusky, Ohio. Also, check out the Lake Erie Shore & Islands visitor bureau website for plenty of vacation ideas along coast.